Monday, August 31, 2009

EFFECTS of incest on victims

hye u sbenarnye kene present pasal effects of incest ni..kowang pandai2 la carik makne incest ok..hehe.. gambar tu time am ngah practice ngn chu n aishah..

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahhiwabarokatuh i wish to PN SYARIFAH n all my i'll share with u guys the effects of incest on the victims.there are several behavour problems such as self injury...nightmares....enxiety..poor self esteem n many more.the victims sexuality behavour will increase including sexual play with dolls..putting objects into their anuses and vagina..they also will doing extreme public masturbation.for the long term phycological effects including depression..anxiety..and also may lead to sucidality..the victims of incest may exposes to prostituition and becoming like their perpetrator..they want to do incest to some else.these are some common children feelings thats hav been experiencing incest..

firstly is fear..they fear to the perpetrator.of couse all children will very shock if they been incested by someone expecially that person is in their own family..they fear for that they will sent to somewhere else

they also feel very angry to the perpetrator..and angry to the adults surround them because of not protecting them...

for the isolation..the children want to be alone all the day..they want to be alone experiencing the incest..they hard to tell anyone about what are their problems..

they will feel shame to all the people surround them..they dont know to whom for sharing their problems..

sebenarnye ade lg beberape points dalam slide tubut am x ingat..hehe..tapi cukup x mase utk 3minutes presentation?adoi da la mesti cool n xlupe mesti kerex!ahaaha..actually ade la incident yg menggangu am sekarang ni..eyh nape rase cm nk nangis n menjerit aje ni?!tapi ok syg kwn2 am..n u oulz sume la..ahahaha..da la sok ader test marketing..tapi xstdy pape..rilek la..haha 

Sunday, August 30, 2009

aM Mahu Menyendiri..

SENDIRI?hurm..betul kah AM mau menyendiri?AM tak tahu ape yang AM rasekan sekarang..macam confuse dengan diri sendiri..kenape ek?baru tadi AM chatting ngan ACU yang da 4 ari am buke pose sorang2..ACU kate am try nak MENYENDIRI..betol ke acu?ni antara conversation AM  n ACU 

[20:22] girl_agurl05: x besh la..sunyi

[20:22] girl_agurl05: ko ade problem ngan budak bilik eh
[20:23] girl_agurl05: ade tempat masak ke
[20:24] zack_putra009: eh xde prob pn
[20:24] zack_putra009: dowang ajak
[20:24] zack_putra009: tp abg yg xmau g
[20:24] zack_putra009: dunno what is my prob
[20:24] zack_putra009: x la
[20:24] zack_putra009: rumate abg bwk rice cooker tu
[20:24] zack_putra009: so masak la
[20:24] zack_putra009: nasik goweng
[20:24] zack_putra009: sume tu la
[20:24] zack_putra009: huhu
[20:24] girl_agurl05: abg kesunyian ni...mcm acu..:((
[20:25] zack_putra009: itu le
[20:25] zack_putra009: heheheh
[20:25] zack_putra009: sesame sunyi
[20:25] zack_putra009: tp xpe la
[20:25] zack_putra009: xkesah pn
[20:25] zack_putra009: ahaha
[20:25] girl_agurl05: abg try nk menyendiri
[20:25] girl_agurl05: kate je x kisah...
[20:25] girl_agurl05: tp kisah lah jugak kn

[20:25] zack_putra009: oi dah laaa!!!!
[20:25] zack_putra009: huhu

[20:25] zack_putra009: nanges kang

hurm..AM rase betol la ape yang ACU cakap AM sniri tak tahu whats is my problem is..can SOMEONE please tell me what is my problem?!adoi maybe stress ape la yang di STRESS kn tu ek.. 


Sendiri aku menjejak bayangmu 
Berkurun lamanya kita tak bertemu 
Kau berlalu pergi terbiar aku sendiri 
Menahan duka oh di sudut hati 
Cinta..dengarlah rintih hatiku 
Mengharap belai dan rindu 
Yang pernah dicurah sepenuh hatimu 

Kasih..inikah yang kurasai 
Pengorbanan tak dihargai 
Menjadi siksaan yang tidak diundang 
Oh pedih..sayang... 

Ingatkah lagi kau pernah berkata 
Aku bagai pelita di bawah purnama 
Kini malam sepi tinggal hanyalah memori 
Mungkin cahaya menjelma semula

Saturday, August 29, 2009

HenSet pUnye pasaL

ok ni lah antara ENSET  yang am pakai utk sms n calling2 kamu semua..xde la banyak sangat..ikot sequence k..bermula dari MOTOROLA n diakhiri dengan SONY ERICSSON buat mase ni..hehe..letop x?ala sume nset bese2 ajo..eden bukan banyak benau duet eh..haha so sape2 nk sponsor enset..bole la bagi..hehe..{first dulu pakai MOTOROLA(xtaw ape modelnyer..hehe).NOKIA2600.NOKIA3200.SONYW700i.SONYK800i.NOKIA3610.SONYW910i.MOTOROLAL6 n now SONYG900}

Buhsan malaM ni


 hurmm..betape bosan la malam ni..ok  AM baru jer wat blog ni..thanks to my BFF yang mengajo wat blog ni..xreti sebenar nye..huhuhu..thanks ERIC! jasemu ade 3 org jer kt dlm umah ni..bosan siutt..nasib baek  la my BABY keep calling me..dpt teman dikala sunyi..huhu..sbenarnye da 3 ari kot buke pose sowang2 kt uma ni..bkn xde mmg suke buke sowang depan laptop..lagi besh kot..huhu..sambel tgk SIN CHAN n r cte br tau bole letak color kt text ni..huhuhu..jahilnyer AM..huhu..dak MEIY n PETCHAI dok ajak mkn..dowang offer time pewout penoh giler..hehe..sory guys..macam sedap jer roti jala n roti john ni cepat bosan type sikit da xtau nk type ape lg..hehe..tu tande da bosan la punyer semangat nk tulis blog ni..ok da dpt idea!am dok busan ni sebab xdapat nk balek SEREMBAN tadi ader test..test ACCOUNT bapak lahai susah giler..sampai PN NIHLAH bagi extra time kt kteowang nk siapkan sume soalan..huhu luv u PN NIHLAH!.serious susah tahap gaban..huwaaa..pastu balek teros membuto..haha bkn nk study kan utk test COSTING kul 2 nnt..huhu..bile tesT COSTING pulak..macam senang nak jawab tapi tak pastilah..kejap je da siap..pelik sungguh ACCOUNT lagi susah dr COSTING..huhuh..mcm pandai sangat la AM ni kn..hehe..kol 4..fikiran dah xmenentu..nak balek ke x ni?!aduh..last decide xyah la balek..parents bkn ade kt uma pn..huhu